Virgin Coconut Oil Benefits

07 Jun 2022

Generally, coconut oil is available in two varieties – virgin and refined. Virgin coconut oil is prepared by cooling the liquid from the flesh of the coconut, then extracting the oil from the milk and water, and resembles milk. It is 100% natural, non-bleach and cold-pressed. Virgin coconut oil is popular for its pleasant aroma, taste, powerful antioxidants, healthy fatty acids and some essential vitamins.

1. Promotes Levels Of Hdl Cholesterol

Studies show that coconut oil improves Hdl cholesterol (the good cholesterol) levels which helps promote heart health. Always remember to use it sparingly, moderation is the key to good health.

2. Weight Loss

Coconut is beneficial in burning belly fat and aids in weight loss. Coconut oil is easier to digest than all other edible oils and aids in the proper functioning of the thyroid and endocrine system. Research shows that coconut oil can increase the body's metabolic rate by relieving stress on the pancreas by burning energy and helping obese people lose weight.

3. Supports Heart Health

Strong evidence suggests that about 50% of the fats found in coconut oil are medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), such as lauric acid that are easily assimilated by the gut and can be used by the body to make energy. . Furthermore, MCTs are not involved in the transport of cholesterol.

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