What is Elevator and how does it work
10 May 2022
What is Elevator and how..

An elevator can be defined as an electric elevator used for the vertical transport of goods and people between floors of buildings using containers or..

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What is the Peanut destoner machine
10 May 2022
What is the Peanut deston..

A peanut destoner machine is a kind of peanut cleaning machine/equipment. With the introduction of a fish scale type sieve and elastic rubber cover, t..

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What is a Screw Conveyor (Screw Auger) and how does it work
10 May 2022
What is a Screw Conveyor..

A screw conveyor is a mechanism that uses a rotating screw, called a "Helix Flight", usually in a U-shaped tube or channel, to handle liquid..

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