Aerva Lanata Mountain Knot

Aerva lanata is commonly described in Ayurveda as a diuretic with anti-inflammatory, antihelmintic, anti-bacterial and mild analgesic effects. It is used in the treatment of lithiasis, cough, asthma, and headache and as an antidote for rat poisoning.

Aerva lanata, the mountain knotgrass, is a woody, prostrate or succulent, perennial herb in the family Amaranthaceae, native to Asia, Africa.  Aerva lanata is a common weed which grows wild everywhere in the plains of India. The root has a camphor-like aroma. The plant is used as a traditional medicine for snakebites. The plant is also used as a talisman against evil spirits, a good-luck talisman for hunters, and a talisman for the well-being of widows. In the traditional medicine of India, the juice of crushed Aerva lanata root is used for jaundice therapy.